National (PID) Graph
The National Graph project is a collaborative approach to building a national-level graph of persistent identifiers. This new capability provides insights into the collaborations between research institutions, industry, and international partners.
You can contribute to this project by joining the national graph working group.
Australian National Graph
Last update: 25 April 2023
Neo4j Technology
National Graph project utilises the robust technology of Neo4j to construct and deploy our graph database. Renowned for its scalability, performance, and user-friendly interface, Neo4j enables us to develop a native graph database based on the Research Graph Schema that has been purposefully designed and optimised to deliver high-performance graph queries.
Nodes are grouped by labels
Match (n:researcher) return * limit 10
Match (n:orcid) return * limit 10
Match (n:researcher:orcid) return * limit 10
Neo4j nodes are grouped by labels. These labels enable optimised information retrieval, and provide a logical structure of the graph. Labels in our graph represent metadata sources or data types, allowing for targeted searches based on specific metadata, such as finding researchers with ORCID profiles.
For more information on graph queries refer to