Research Graph Schema

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Research Graph schema is an accessible meta-model for connecting research objects. This schema is designed to provide a practical approach to construct large scale graphs from a distributed network of scholarly works, by following these design principles:

  • Inexpensive metadata harmonisation by providing a simplified data model,
  • Efficient storage and compute by providing a lean model that enables highly efficient graph algorithm on graphs more than 100M nodes, and
  • Ease of use for developers and data scientists, making the Research Graph model highly accessible and interoperable.

This schema enables the rapid development of local, national, or domain-specific research graphs with a trade-off between practicality and completeness.

Collaborative Projects

National (PID) Graph

The National Graph project is a collaborative approach to building a national-level graph of persistent identifiers. This capability provides insights into the collaborations between Australian research institutions, industry, and international partners.


Research Graph Augment API transforms disconnected research information to a connected graph, and augment this graph with the data from the global network of scholarly works.

Research Graph Team

Exploring the collaboration network of researchers by building an interoperable graph of research collaboration networks in Australia and internationally. The aim is to visualise how researchers collaborate in different domains across universities.

COVID-19 Research Graph

Exploring the collaboration network of coronavirus research at the global level, and knowledge mining from coronavirus literature.

GESIS Research Graph

GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences is the largest infrastructure institution for the Social Sciences in Germany. With more than 300 employees in two locations (Mannheim and Cologne) GESIS render substantial, nationally and internationally relevant research-based infrastructure services.

Created by and Building International Collaboration

Research Graph has formed as an interoperability project derived from the outcome of the Research Data Alliance DDRI Working Groups in 2016. The group participants represented several national and international and institutions, software platforms and domain-specific repositories. We have transformed this project into an incubator for science and innovative projects empowered by the global networks of scholarly works and driven by talented and smart individuals from a number of international research institutes.
Australian National University
NCI Australia
National Institute of Informatics
RIMT University
The University of Sydney
Swinburne University of Technology