What is Augment API?
For details of the nodes please refer to Research Graph Schema.
Augment API currently supports connections to the following persistent identifiers:
Background and technical notes
Augument API was designed in 2017 as a cloud-based service to transform disconnected research information into a connected graph, and augment this graph with the data from the global network of scholarly works. Augment API leverages the Research Graph distributed network and persistent identifiers to establish connections between publications, researchers, research datasets and grants across global infrastructures such as DataCite and open access initiatives such as Scholix.
This project was initiated by the partners in the Research Data Alliance Working Group on Data Description Registry Interoperability, and an earlier implementation has been implemented by GESIS in Germany and NCI in Australia.
You can find the related webinars at
- Tracking research data footprints via integration with Research Graph (Mar 8, 2018)
Dr Ben Evans and Dr Jingbo Wang from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) present the NCI Augmented Graph and show how researchers and third-party systems can access and leverage this information. - Discovering Research Data Links via GESIS LOD Research Graph (Feb 28, 2018)
Dr Ben Evans and Dr Jingbo Wang from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) will present the NCI Augmented Graph and show how researchers and third-party systems can access and leverage this information.
Research Graph Cloud services enable the following capabilities using the Augment API:

Organisation Disambiguation
There is a beta test program that provides a free and non-commercial use of the API.
We are expanding the Augment API RESTful service to other persistent identifiers, and we are actively working on adding new types or sources of connections to the underlying graph. As part of the beta test program, you would be able to directly provide input into the roadmap.
You can access sample Jupyter notebooks at https://github.com/researchgraph/augment-api-beta
The beta testers will have access to a Slack channel.